Other than removing the heatsink, or asking others users over at somewhere like Freaktab if anybody has done a teardown, the other option is to go to the stable version of Android that worked and run some basic speed tests over ethernet.
Results will be vastly different between 100 and 1000Mbps
Yes is going with good speed and as gigabit. I have only 20/20 speed of my internet provider, but going as usually with gigabit device. I dont know, which terminal know export log from cmd dmesg.dtb.img.gz (50.7 KB)
I tried on stabil new coreeelec, and also on nightly with your dtb. Both cases was unsuccessful. I tried dhcp, and static ip, but was no internet still.
Did you use a clean install? Make a new boot media from scratch and use my dtb, you should see Kodi wizard on first boot.
If booted and still not working please do dmesg|paste and five me the link you receive.
You need at least connected to WLAN. Please also connect LAN cable.
Also please do post the link you receive for your debug data using this guide:
But, when not going lan, how i know send info from ifconfig ? I know connect to box only through wlan from pc with ssh terminal, but results would be impacted from wlan. For this situation we need tools for ifconfig direct in tvbox.