9.2.6 Discussion

@Mount3r, answer on you question was earlier:

  1. Update.
  2. Replace dtb with correct one with any way you know. 2nd method is via ssh, but it’s more easy to do it on PC.

Do I have to update my dtb file from 9.2.5 to 9.2.6 for T95Max Plus S905X3 too ?

dtb will update automatically with CE update.
You don’t need to do something special

cool thanks!

Whatever changes were made in 9.2.6 CEC broke functionality on my Odroid N2 CEC Turn-Off Display (cec-builtin) screensaver (this one: https://github.com/dagwieers/screensaver.turnoff). Reverting to 9.2.5 instantly solves the problem so it’s something in the update.

The logs from when I had 9.2.6 installed showed nothing; as far as the logs were concerned, the screensaver properly turned off the display then later turned it back on. In reality what happened was the screen stayed on the whole time.

After one reboot I miss HDMI-CEC functionality running v9.2.6. I had have to downgrade to 9.2.5 again. So, I think this a bug.

Thanks I thought it was me…

CEC works great here with C4 and N2. It was broken before. The screensaver cec bug is known to me however.

@mobamoba, @el_Salmon, @ffimon

@JimmyS, please start this wrong resolution stream and collect full logs. May be something will be visible there.

Yeah, bluetooth auto connect rules :+1::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: So user-friendly! You guys are the best. Thanks a million for your many efforts.

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here it is. First video, played on 640x360p instead of 1080p is from televizeseznam.cz.
Second video, which play only sound is from aktualne.cz.

kodilog https://paste.kodi.tv/daruhifigi.kodi
dispinfo https://pastebin.com/2hq9xVrw
dmesg http://ix.io/2R2j

With 9.2.6 without bumped ffmpeg, both plays just fine on 1080p:

kodilog https://paste.kodi.tv/ayeqifukam.kodi
dispinfo https://pastebin.com/4RWGECh5
dmesg http://ix.io/2R2o

My first thought was that ffmpeg changed something regarding hls etc., but then I tried 9.2.6-ng on VIM3L and there seems to be all OK with those streams so I dont know.

There’s something wrong with ix.io right now but here are my debug logs (attached) when I update to 9.2.6 and try to have the screensaver turn off the display using CEC. As I mentioned, works fine in 9.2.5 and leaves the screen on in 9.2.6 even though the logs “think” it’s working fine.kodi.old.log (120.3 KB)

Please enable debug log in Kodi and also libCEC component logging.
Then do it again and save kodi.log.

Do it for 9.2.5 and 9.2.6, thx

Attached. I did the same thing twice: turned on debug logging with libCEC, rebooted, activated the screensaver, saved the log, updated to the new version, and repeated.

kodi 926.log (826.6 KB) kodi 925.log (826.6 KB)

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As I see there are 6 video streams and it opens first one with new ffmpeg.
Did you try just to switch to high bitrate stream in video settings? I think it should work…
May be you have some different setting in addon where it select more high bitrate by default on your device that works correctly?

If you could confirm that all settings are the same please also upload log from working correctly box to compare… may be something will be visible there

There are not any “bitrate” settings in addons, basically they didnt have much options at all, those are just basic (plugin for aktualne.cz doesnt have any settings, televizeseznam has just number of items in list changeable)…

Second log paragraph (with the With 9.2.6 without bumped ffmpeg, both plays just fine on 1080p:) has logs with working playback (in the same box). Settings are exactly the same, I literally just update to the version 9.2.6 without new ffmpeg which I compiled from the official 9.2.6 (which is first paragraph log). And both videos played fine - for second paragraph log…

Try to compare inputstream.adaptive settings on both devices.
And as I said you should have possibility to switch between streams in video settings while watching

What do you mean both devices? I testing this on the same device, Odroid C2… So the inpustream adaptive is same?

You said that on Vim3L it works correctly
So compare this setting between C2 and VIM3L