I’m running CoreELEC (official): 9.2.1 (Amlogic-ng.arm) on GT-King and I can’t shutdown or reboot properly.
The box disconnects the ssh session, the screen turns black but it stays with the green leds and never really turns off or reboots.
To turn it on again I have to disconnect the power and connect again. The remote doesn’t work either.
This happens if I shutdown or reboot on Kodi UI or using a ssh terminal command.
The Suspend option on Kodi does work, however (the led turns red), and I can resume pressing the remote power button.
– Any idea why the shutdown doesn’t work?
I’m booting from SD card and I have a mounted partition to eMMC. Can this be related?
I’ve installed the CoreELEC BL301 Wake-Up feature [inject_bl301] but it didn’t change anything.
My config.ini is
decode_type=‘0x0’ # NEC